Sunday, October 19, 2014

The End

I didn't make it 24 hours, but I made it 18, which is fairly respectable.

For the Readathon, I read:

I read:

Six books finished, with one at 46%
  • Total Pages: 1510
  • Pages an Hour: 62 (1 pg/min) 
  • Average Page per book: 201
Shorter books were key, I think. However much I enjoyed the longest book I read (Shakespeare's Kings), it was disheartening to be reading the same book for so long - 7 hours, as opposed to the 2 hours or so the others took me. I liked to be able to give "real" updates.

I enjoyed reading along with many people ^_^ However, as I discovered with my 365 Challenge last year, when I have a goal in my head, the reading becomes more about the goal than the reading. I prefer to read for fun, to feel that I can pick up a book or put it down and not have an impact on anything other than what I'm doing at the time.

Still, I may participate again next year. I may also keep this blog up, maybe try for real reviews or reflections when I don't have a time crunch staring me in the face. I do like to crunch the numbers and consider all the books I've read, so we shall see.

End of Event Meme

1. Which hour was most daunting for you?
Hour 17 (midnight, for me). I knew I wasn't going to make it past it.

2. Could you list a few high-interest books that you think could keep a Reader engaged for next year?
 The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency is nice and light, while also being interesting enough to stay engaged. I recommend it.

3. Do you have any suggestions for how to improve the Read-a-thon next year?
From what I saw, this seemed fine.

4. What do you think worked really well in this year's Read-a-thon?
I liked the Mini-Challenges.

5. How many books did you read?
I read 6 books, and started a 7th at the zero hour

6. Which book did you enjoy the most?
I really liked John Julius Norton's Shakespeare's Kings.

7. Which did you enjoy least?
I enjoyed all my books, but ironically Shakespeare's Kings was a bit disheartening because it was the longest book and also far denser, so it didn't feel like I was making all that much progress.

8. If you were a Cheerleader, do you have any advice for next year's Cheerleaders?
I was a reader.

9. How likely are you to participate in the Read-a-thon again? What role would you be likely to take next time?
I will very likely do this again. I don't know if I'll ever make it the 24 - you can't afford to mess up your sleep schedule that much when you get up at 5:30 every weekday morning (yay teaching.) but I enjoyed the camaraderie and knowing that people were reading with me all over the world.

Book 7: The Kalahari Typing School for Men

Lastly, I'm going to start reading The Kalahari Typing School for Men.

Not sure how far I'll get into it in just an hour, but at least I rejoined the race.

The Kalahari Typing School for Men Stats
Pages: 224
Began: 7:00 am
Total Time:

Hour 24 (Hour 18, subjectively)

I managed to wake up for the last hour. I will try to acquit myself well.

Hour 17 and a Half Run-down

This is it for me, folks, at least for a couple of hours. I'll continue in the morning, provided I wake up before 8:00.

I read:

Six books finished:

  • Total Pages: 1407
  • Pages an Hour: 80 (1.3 pg/min)

Snark out.

GoogleDocs Spreadsheet

Hour 17 Run-down

Hour 17 begins. It's midnight for me, so I don't know how much longer I'll be up. At least until the end of this book.

Thus far, I've read:

Five books finished, one at about 65%,

  • Total Pages: 1328
  • Pages an Hour: 78 (1.3 pg/min) 

Man, I used to have way more stamina. I'm not old by any stretch of the imagination, but I'm sure not a teenager up until 2 and 3 in the morning anymore.

GoogleDocs Spreadsheet

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Book 6: Morality for Beautiful Girls by Alexander McCall Smith

After my Agatha Christie breather, Book 6 is the third installment in the No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency series, Morality for Beautiful Girls.

This one I'm fairly sure I haven't read, although I know I've read more than one and the previous one didn't ring any bells. Maybe I read some out of order?

My head is definitely protesting all the reading, even with extra water imbibed. I'm gonna keep going for at least another couple of hours, but I don't know if I'll do the whole 24.

Morality for Beautiful Girls Stats
Pages: 227
Began: 11:00 pm
Finished: 12:35 am
Total Time: 1hr, 35 min (2.4 pg/min)
Rating: 3

GoogleDocs Spreadsheet

Hour 15 Run-down

Man, Hour 15. We're getting there.

I've read:

Four books finished, one at about 44%,

  • Total Pages: 1037
  • Pages an Hour: 74 (1.2 pg/min)

The Labours of Hercules is a very welcome change. I can fly through easily, although my headache is beginning to come back. Hopefully some strategic hydration and judicious application of ibuprofen will do the trick. Allons-y, mes vieux!

GoogleDocs Spreadsheet

Book 5: The Labours of Hercules by Agatha Christie

Book 5 - finally - is The Labours of Hercules by Agatha Christie.

I so need a break. This is a book I've already read, by a very easy author - and it's short stories, to boot. This should help a lot.

The Labours of Hercules Stats
Pages: 256
Began: 9:10 pm
Total Time:1 hr, 40 min (2.6 pg/min)
Rating: 3

GoogleDocs Spreadsheet

Hour 13 Run-down

We've completed our 12th hour and are now moving into 13!

I've read:

Three books finished, one at about 60%,

  • Total Pages: 751
  • Pages an Hour: 63 (1 pg/min) 
We had Edward IV there very briefly, but Henry VI is back (well, Margaret of Anjou, anyway). But I know Richard III is coming. Also, man, I would not have forgiven Clarence the first time, Ned. He might not have deserved to be drowned in a wine barrel, but he did deserve the tower.

GoogleDocs Spreadsheet

Mid-Event Survey

1. What are you reading right now?
John Julius Norton's Shakespeare's Kings. I'm enjoying it a lot.

2. How many books have you read so far?

This is my 4th book, and I'm nearly halfway through it.

3. What book are you most looking forward to for the second half of the Read-a-thon?
I'm not planning that far ahead. I'll decide when I finish this one.

4. Have you had many interruptions? How did you deal with those?

My dog was freaking out for a bit, but it was just a matter of sitting with him until he quieted, reading the while.

5. What surprises you most about the Read-a-thon, so far?
It hasn't felt like a challenge yet. Let's see what happens when I start to go past my bedtime.

Hour 12 Run-down

Entering hour 12, by the clock. Halfway done.

Three books finished, one at about 47%,

  • Total Pages: 695
  • Pages an Hour: 63 (1.1 pg/min) 

I'm averaging about 10% an hour in this book, which considering it's fairly dense non-fiction isn't bad. I'm up to Henry VI now, in or after whose reign - if I remember correctly - begins the War of the Roses.

GoogleDocs Spreadsheet

Hour 11 Run-down

Going into hour 11.

I've read:

Three books finished, one at about 36%,

  • Total Pages: 648
  • Pages an Hour: 65 (1.1 pg/min)

Prince Hal just became Henry V, so we're getting there. I'd make a stirring post along the lines of "We few, we happy few, we band of brothers - for he today who reads a page with me shall be my brother, be he ne'er so vile", but I love the Saint Crispen's Day speech too much to go beyond that. Time to start thinking of dinner, I suppose. Another honey barbecue chicken wrap, belike.

GoogleDocs Spreadsheet

Hour 10 Run-down

Hour 10. Double digits.

So far, I've read:

Three books finished, one at about 26%,

  • Total Pages: 604
  • Pages an Hour: 67 (1.1 pg/min) 

Excuse me as I fiddle with my math for these; letters are, and have been, my fast friends - numbers often confound me utterly.

I am still really liking Shakespeare's Kings, but I think when I'm finished I'll go for something very light - lighter than a N1LDA, even. Probably a Wodehouse, or a Christie - my go-to "tic tac" books (you can toss them back without even noticing, beyond a mild pleasant taste, as it were).

 I'm at about Richard II in SK, but I've got several more Kings and a couple of wars before I get to his name successor, whose Shakespearean villainy I much admire.

GoogleDocs Spreadsheet

Hour 9 Run-down

Entering hour 9 here.

So far, I've read:

Three books finished, one at about 18%,

  • Total Pages: 570
  • Pages an Hour: 71 (1.2  pg/min)

Going fairly strong, still. Headache gone; the caffeine has done its job! It's turned into a comfortably rainy sort of day, my favorite kind for sitting in bed reading. Huzzah for well-written royal histories/literary analysis!

Also, I enjoy that the one time I had already borrowed from Billy Shakes to write a parodic (yes that is a word I just checked) bit of verse, a mini-challenge for cheering demanded one. High five, Bill; I do commend you its highborn birth, my lord Bard, and pray you indulge me its baser use since.

GoogleDocs Spreadsheet

Mini-Challenge: Show It Off!

Dear to my heart for itself, and for the humor of its appearance, here is something I love to read:

Stephen King's vampire classic 'Salem's Lot, complete with genuine toothmarks!

Not mine, I swear. My childhood dog, a deviously intelligent beagle named Tilly, sometimes felt that she wasn't receiving her (admittedly deserved) due. To ensure our undivided attention, she chose individual-specific items to carry over to our family members and begin to chew (a sort of canine, "Pet me now, or your precious possession gets it!" I told you, devious.) For my mother, it was usually a shoe or a kitchen utensil. For my father, the TV remote or one of his briefcases. For me, it was almost always a book.

I lost several books that way, but the fact that this one remained intact except for ironically appropriate toothmarks only added to my enjoyment of reading this, my tied-for-first-place King novel. I own several dozen ebooks, but this and its co-favorite (The Shining) I have thus far refused to replace from paper books.

Hour 8 Run-down

Entering hour 8 here.

So far, I've read:

Three books finished, one at about 13%,

  • Total Pages: 548
  • Pages an Hour: 78 (1.3 pg/min) 

A non-fic book may not have been the best choice, but I'm enjoying it thus far. My body's beginning to protest, but I'm hoping a nice cup of coffee will fix any headaches/fatigue. I may have to take a more substantial break at some point, but I've had longer binges before.

The game's afoot:
Follow your spirit, and upon this readathon
Cry 'Read for Shakespeare, England and Saint George!'

GoogleDocs Spreadsheet

Book 4: Shakespeare's Kings by John Julius Norton

I'm taking a break from The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency with Shakespeare's Kings by John Julius Norton.

I love history; I love Shakespeare - what's not to like? I've read this before a while back, but I'm just coming off of seeing Macbeth for the umpteenth time and downloading an audiobook of Richard III, so I've been wanting to come back to this book.

Shakespeare's Kings Stats
Pages: 432
Started: 2:00 pm
Finished: 9:00 pm
Total Time: 7 hr (1 pg/min avg
Rating: 3.5

A really good read, although I have to say for me it was all just a big build up to Richard III, my undisguised favorite.

GoogleDocs Spreadsheet

Hour 6 Run-Down

Beginning Hour 6 (8:00 am EST) to 1:00 pm

So far, I've read:

Two books finished, one at about 46%,
  • Total Pages:374
  • Pages an Hour: 75 (1.3 pg/min)

I'm liking Tears of the Giraffe. It feels more like a coherent story than the series of anecdotes that N1LDA was.

GoogleDocs Spreadsheet

Hour 5 Run-Down

Beginning hour 5 (8:00 am EST to 12:00 pm EST).

So far, I've read:

Two books finished, one at about 10%,
  • Total Pages: 297
  • Pages an Hour: 74 (1.2 pg/min)
Not bad.


GoogleDocs Spreadsheet

Book 3: Tears of the Giraffe by Alexander McCall Smith

My third book today is Tears of the Giraffe, the second in Alexander McCall Smith's No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency series.

I can't remember if I read this one, but I'm enjoying the style so far, and these are quick enough reads.

Tears of the Giraffe Stats:
Pages: 217
Began: 11:30 am
Finished: 1:51 pm
Total Time: 2 hr, 21 min (1.5 pg/min)
Rating: 3

I'm still enjoying the series, but I think I'll mix it up a bit with the next one. There's plenty more in the No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency for later.

GoogleDocs Spreadsheet

Mini-Challenge: Coffee All the Way!

Response to Fig and Thistle's Mini-Challenge:

For any day of reading, Coffee > Tea! Caffeine is an essential reading tool.

I love it so much, I've already drunk it all.

Book 2: The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency by Alexander McCall Smith

Book 2 is The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency by Alexander McCall Smith.

I've read it before, but at that time there were only 3 or 4 in the series. Now there's 13, so if I enjoy it as much as I remember, I can just keep going.

The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency Stats
Pages: 235
Began: 8:55 am
Finished:11:24 am
Total time: 2 hr, 29 minutes (.4 pg/min avg)
Rating: 3.3

I really enjoyed this book. There was a lot that I didn't remember (not surprising given how long ago I read it), but it retains its charm. I like its episodic structure, and as it's set in a country I know very little about (Botswana), it's interesting to get a feel for what the culture out there is like, even if it's just one fictional author's interpretation of it.

I'm going to continue with the series, I think, until I get bored. 

GoogleDocs Spreadsheet

Book 1: American Psycho by Bret Easton Ellis

I'm starting with American Psycho by Bret Easton Ellis.

I'm 90% done with it, but for the record: I'm beginning at 8:00 am, at about page 360 of 401.

Loving it. I'd seen the movie, but the book brings Bateman's psychosis that much more into your face.

American Psycho Stats
Pages: 401 (but beginning at 360)
Began: 8:00 am (at 90% completion)
Finished: 8:35 am
Total time: 35 minutes (1.2 pg/min avg)
Rating: 4 out of 5

I absolutely loved this book. I've always been a big fan of different authors' interpretations of crazy, and my god did this deliver. It's disjointed and disconnected (just like Bateman); the way he puts random thoughts together - banal mixed unthinkingly with viciously depraved - was something I didn't expect to impress me, but halfway through some paragraphs I found myself feeling just as bewildered as he seemed half the time.

Thomas Harris was my benchmark on "favorite psychopath inner monologues," but this is officially tied with it.

GoogleDocs Spreadsheet (because that's how I roll).

Opening Meme

Dewey's 24 Hour Readathon  has posted an Opening Meme, so I'll be answering while I wait for the bell.

 What fine part of the world are you reading from today?
I'm reading from Connecticut, in the US.

Which book in your stack are you most looking forward to?
I'm about 90% finished with Easton Ellis's American Psycho, so I'm really looking forward to finishing.

Which snack are you most looking forward to?
I have the fixings for honey barbecue chicken wraps - all I have to do is microwave and assemble, which I can do while still reading (I know this from experience)

Tell us a little something about yourself!

I've always been a voracious reader - I have to be reading something, even if it's just an old favorite I can quote without looking at the pages. I stumbled on the 24 Hour Readathon by chance, and I thought, "I've always gone on reading binges - now I can have people to enable me."

If you participated in the last read-a-thon, what’s one thing you’ll do different today? If this is your first read-a-thon, what are you most looking forward to?
I've never participated. I'm just looking forward to seeing what it's all about, and to learning about my own personal stamina. I've never consciously tried to read all day, so we'll see what changes.

2014 October Readathon

Bear with me, folks.

I haven't blogged for several years now, but I thought I'd quickly put something together for the 2014 October Dewey's 24 Hour Readathon.

Whether I'll go the 24 hours remains to be seen, but since I've spent many days doing my own private "readathons" (just for fun), I thought, "Why not?"

Besides this, I did a "52 in 52" challenge last year, which I converted into a 365 Challenge, mostly out of curiosity.

For today, at least, I'll post about what I'm reading and provide updates.

Here's a spreadsheet with all the books I'm reading/have read so far.